Importance of application of human rights in armed conflict
Importance of application of human rights in armed conflict

Like the rest of the Covenant, article 6 continues to apply also in situations of armed conflict to which the rules of international humanitarian law are applicable, including to the conduct of hostilities. Paragraph 64 starts by addressing the interplay between the ICCPR and international humanitarian law (IHL):

importance of application of human rights in armed conflict importance of application of human rights in armed conflict

The Interaction between Article 6 ICCPR and International Humanitarian Law For ease of reading, the relevant text has been divided into four thematic parts. This contribution intends to focus on its paragraph 64, which deals with the protection of the right to life in armed conflict (for commentary on earlier drafts see here, here and here), and which appears in Part V of GC 36 concerning the relationship of article 6 with other provisions of the ICCPR and other legal regimes. GC 36, which replaces GC 6 (1982) and GC 14 (1984), is an impressively long and thorough document, which provides a detailed account of how the HRC interprets the many facets of the right to life.

importance of application of human rights in armed conflict

36 (GC 36) on article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). On 30 October 2018, the UN Human Rights Committee (HRC) finally adopted the long-awaited General Comment no.

Importance of application of human rights in armed conflict